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![]() First time here? Here's your chance to introduce yourself and share any comments. Feel free to comment on any of the topics here. We are glad you stopped by and hope you enjoy your visit.
Steve Kaiser
1/3/2013 07:47:37 am
nick names my fathers nick name was lead foot Lonnie Kaiser and that was because has he was getting ready to leave to the races he had no shoes on jumped off the porch right onto a pencil and the lead broke off into his foot
1/3/2013 11:27:56 am
Cheri Hill (Richardson)
7/29/2013 05:39:14 pm
Talking about nick names....My dad, Gil Richardson's nick name was "The Silver Fox" Richardson. While going through his old photos with my mom, I asked her why that was his nick name when he wasn't really "gray."
Dave Mackey
11/29/2013 12:49:56 pm
Hi Cheri, Great story about your Dad, thanks for sharing it...
Dave Mackey
11/29/2013 12:58:31 pm
Hi Bob! Great Job on the FOR SALE section, really like the way you did it. Also, with the passing of Earl Perry, made me think it would be nice to have a place for people to go to and see who has passed, I know, sounds like a lot of work, but might be able to let readers add people instead of you doing it. I see on other sites that people ask if one person or another is still around, sad but this would give people in racing a place to look, anyway, just an idea...
Jerry Carpenello
4/11/2014 05:16:03 pm
today I went to mike haneys house and had I talk with him about Vallejo speedway. and had a wonderful afternoon.this man knows a lot .thanks .mike.bob this site is great.
Carrie Zanolini
4/4/2015 04:01:43 am
Hello.... My name is Carrie Zanolini, grand daughter of Roddy Zanolini. I must tell you how excited I was to come across these great photos you have posted of my grandfather....great site! He so loved racing and it just tickles me to see photos of him doing what he did best..Thank you.
Welcome Carrie! Is Roddy Zanolini the same as Rod Zanoline seen throughout this website. There has been confusion in the past regarding the spelling. Maybe you can clear this up. We try to be as accurate as possible and encourage correction and suggestions from those using the site. Thank you in advance for any help and we appreciate your interest and kind words. Thanks, Bob
2/22/2016 12:02:32 pm
Bob.. you were correct with the spelling. it is spelled "Zanoline". We had some family quarrels some years back and the spelling was changed from the "I" to the "e". I have recentlky shown my uncle, Roddy jr, this site and was really impressed. this would of been Roddys youngest son. keep up the great work!
2/26/2016 09:08:55 am
Thank you Carrie for clearing that up. I have seen the "i" used in some '50s, early '60s programs, but later the "e" was used. Rod was a great driver and great guy. He deserves to be recognized correctly. I'm so glad you and you uncle enjoy the site.
Crystal (Miller) Arel
7/5/2015 02:03:58 pm
Thinking about my Dad tonight waiting for Daytona to start. I found a few pictures of my Dad, Bob Miller along with stats and an article. Thank you!
2/26/2016 09:52:46 am
Glad you enjoy the site Crystal. Most of the info and photos are contributions and much appreciated. If you have anything about your dad or any others, feel free to contribute. You can contact me with the "contact us" button. Thanks, Bob
Lance lange
11/24/2016 09:57:18 pm
I would sure like to get a copy of your rules. I have a 37 ford coupe with a 292 Chevy engine. I would like to run some races with you guys. I race out of Winnemucca nv. Please e mail me a reply.
Bob manzer
11/25/2016 02:03:15 pm
Our contact for that is Dave Mackey at [email protected] or
Bruce Claypool
1/2/2017 01:27:44 pm
"THE WILD RIDE" 1960 starring Jack Nickleson portrays a race car driver, was filmed at the old Contra Costa Speedway must see, free on YOUTUBE or PREMIERE TV
Jeanie Haigh
7/11/2020 05:42:40 pm
Watching Ford v Ferrari, and started thinking of Vallejo Speedway when I was little. The Acree’s were, I believe, somehow related to us. If not, they were very good friends with my mother. My father passed when I was 2, but Mom would take my brother and I there somewhat frequently. I grew up in Alameda and that was a great adventure. We tended to go to the demolition derby! I remember sitting in an enclosed booth watching from on high. Loved it even tho I had no idea what was going on besides crashing. I remember going several times, and I would say I was no older than maybe 8 when we stopped. That would have been 1968. Nice, if faded, memories!
8/26/2020 08:54:43 pm
I'm glad you found this site and enjoy the memories. I never attended a demo derby, probably because they never interested me, I did do one once tho, just because I wanted the engine from the car and thought I might as well kill the body before the crusher got to.
Richard c arra
6/6/2022 05:59:16 pm
I hoping to find any pictures of Glenn Switzer, and or Dick Smith probably from the early 60's, into the early to mid 70's. They have since passed away. I would like to provide their family. Thanks
6/6/2022 08:17:09 pm
Richard, there are three photos of Dick Smith on the 1970s page in "the Cars" section. He was driving for my brother Bill in the 94 car. I don't recall a Glen Switzer. He might have been a stock car division driver? We don't have much info on that division. Thanks for you interest.
Richard, there are three photos of Dick Smith on the 1970s page in "the Cars" section. He was driving for my brother Bill in the 94 car. I don't recall a Glen Switzer. He might have been a stock car division driver? We don't have much info on that division. Thanks for you interest.
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