Mike Haney
11/2/2012 02:00:47 am
l watched the race the other day,l saw how protected the drivers arefor example,state of the art full face custom made helmets,neck and head restraints,tailored nomex fire suits,elbow length fire retardant racing gloves and made to fit fire proof racing shoes,form fitting custom made seats with side head protection and 5 and in some cases 7 point racing harness.l know racing at these speeds all these preventive measures are necessary,it really doesn't matter what series,track length,paved or dirt safety first,and that is as it must be,all the above mentioned safety items are required to compete in those various racing series and that brings me to my original thought,l remember Vallejo Speedway on those many saturday nights many years ago,"the daring men in those magnificent Vallejo Speedway Hardtops" and the safety equipment they had at their disposal,maybe l should say"the lack thereof",the helmets were barely crush or crash proof,they used hankerchiefs over their noses ans mouths,or didn't,goggles over their eyes,usually wore white t-shirts,white Levi's (a requirement)and wellington style boots or something similarr and maybe a few wore off the wall work style leather gloves but most raced bare handed,homemade racing seats with a lap belt only in most cases and more times than not they would have oil and grease on their hands during and after the races,dirty hands,dirty faces,dirty greasy t-shirts and jeans,because they were not just drivers but mechanics,welders,owners,crew chiefs,do it alls as well as drivers,but they were royalty,kings,hero"s,idols superstars and 10 feet tall and bullet proof to a fanatic like me,these men,their machines,the era and the place was magic,perfect,at least to me it was perfect.
Mike Haney
1/18/2013 01:38:50 am
Hey everybody,l have an idea, take a few minutes to write and tell your favorite driver, why is he your favorite,some memories of them,the favorite car they raced etc,l think this would be interesting and a lot of fun,how about it,what say you?
Cheri Hill (Richardson)
7/29/2013 04:39:09 pm
Hey Mike,
7/30/2013 01:52:40 am
Welcome Cheri! So good to hear from you and all about you dad Gil. I remember him well. You gave us a great synopsis of his career and a little of yours too. This would make for a great addition to the "Featured Driver" page. If you are interested, you can contact me through the "Contact Us" page. Any more info and photos are welcome. Take a peek at the current featured drivers for examples. We hope you would like to contribute!
Michael Haney
8/6/2013 11:21:44 am
Cheri Hill (Richardson)
8/6/2013 04:24:33 pm
Hi Mike,
7/30/2013 01:59:29 am
Hey everybody, keep an eye out for another "Featured Driver" coming soon. Lear Minehart has submitted his bio and photos and will be featured. That's what makes this site happen, people contributing and sharing the memories of our beloved Vallejo Hardtops!
7/30/2013 07:04:24 am
Mike Haney
8/8/2013 12:39:02 am
Brother Bob
8/8/2013 06:48:44 am
Brother Mike,
kevin cody
1/31/2014 09:11:36 am
congratulations Porky
3/27/2016 11:57:46 am
Sorry to say the great Phil Pedler passed away last month. I watched him race Modifides at Vallejo in the late 60's early 70's. RIP Phil "Bang Bang" Pedler
Courtney Donald
5/5/2016 01:20:47 am
Hi I am actually the daughter of Tim Donald. He worked as a track photographer the last few years. I just recently scanned quite a few photos from old slides he took at Vallejo speedway.
Courtney if you would like your photos added to this website, you can email them to me at [email protected]. Everyone would appreciate and enjoy them, I'm sure. Be sure to add identification and any comments.
Jeff gruhn
3/17/2017 01:44:23 pm
No talk of Grady Turner ?I pitted for him along with mark man love, and bob miller, who also drove the miller brothers car. Grady was#36 I think . Grady Turner past away about 8 years ago. We will never forget govan peeler, and Dave Logan from clayton Jeff Gruhn
3/17/2017 10:57:23 pm
I have Grady as driving the numbers: 40: 1967, 35: 1968, 50: 1969, 45: 1970, 42: 1971 through 1975. Do not know of any other years. I have photos of his #35:1968, #50: 1969, #42: 1972,73 and 1974 Cars pages. I can only post what people contribute. If you have anything to share, that would be welcome and appreciated. Thanks for your interest.
3/19/2017 03:32:37 pm
Also a photo of Grady #71 in 1970.
Larry Martin
9/19/2019 03:23:28 am
What a great site this is ! I really enjoyed the write up on Nelson Snow by Don Snow. I grew up in San Pablo and was fortunate enough to have a great father who loved racing and took us kids to Vallejo speedway often. I used to walk by Snow's shop on 23rd street on my way to and from school. I couldn't get enough of seeing the Spring cars ! Thank you and your father for being patient with a stupid kid who just about drooled on your cars. On my way home from school I would always stop by Greenley's Chevron station and stare at an Allison V 12 engine in one of his bay's. In my teens I used to work in the pits in Petaluma on street stocks. I spent 20 years in the Army, mostly stationed at Ft. Campbell Ky. Clarksville speedway became my home away from home. Thanks for the great memories !
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