April 21 TRIVIA
The latest greatest trivia questions are just awaiting your attention. Be sure to check it out and check out your hardtop knowledge. Answer all ten questions and you just may win yourself a t-shirt like our first winner Warren, our friend in the next column over there --->
HELP WANTED! April 13 "HELP WANTED" page updated with more cries for help. Don't assume we have everything right here. We are always seeking correct information as well as more, so if you can help in anyway, please let us know. That's what we're all about, reviving memories and gaining more knowledge about Vallejo Hardtops.
Fan Survey: by Bonnie Chisholm Here is a link to the fan survey for Calistoga Speedway. Please take the time to fill this out as your opinion is important to the fairgounds. If you have time, please let me know you filled it out. I don't need to see the form. Thanks for help out, Bonnie
Looking for any information and photos of Bob Hook, hardtop racer in the '60s. His son is assembling a memorial album for his grand-children. Please help if you can. Contact me through the contact page. Thanks so much.